What A Feeling


Been a while.

I'd say that I had a valid excuse for not posting anything, but I really don't. I hope this can make up for it.

Reading Week came and went. I ended up taking one more day trip to Oxford, which was equally as lovely as Dover. The city itself is pretty much comprised of a bustling center filled with university students and tourists. The University of Oxford (also known as my dream school once upon a time when I thought I could make a career out of English literature) is spread out over the city limits, each college having its own building. Additionally, there's the Radcliffe Camera and Bodleian Library, the latter of which houses the Divinity School (think the Infirmary from the Harry Potter films).

The Radcliffe Camera

I was sufficiently geeking out all day.

After lunch a little cafe (which was a pizza bagel) I continued along and went to Christchurch Meadows. It had that timeless feel to it; the history of the city practically radiated through the gravel path. A quaint river ran parallel to the walkway with athletic fields on the other side. It was clear that the city had created a home from the meadow, fully integrated into people's lives as easily as a morning commute to work. I didn't have time to go to the church itself, but the glimpses of the courtyard I caught as I passed the gates showed it's definitely worth a trip.

Christchurch Meadows

These day trips got me through the week but now that classes have started back up again, I'm feeling that itch to get home again. Not that I'm ready to leave London; I'm just at that point where I'm becoming comfortable with the idea that I've had fun and I still have so much to do and see, but I'm happy with the fact that I'll be home soon. The connection that I've developed with this city is unreal; I know that when I come back in the future it'll be like coming home again. But for now, I think I'm okay with cruising through this last month with the assured promise that I'll be back home in no time.

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