Hampstead Heath


Though it's only one month into my stay here in London, I've narrowed down my top three favorite places to be.

3) My bed. Because, obviously.

2) On a double decker bus. There's something about moving idly through London traffic while still getting to see so many different sides to the city that's oddly calming.

1) Hampstead.

I went to Hampstead again today, this time venturing a little bit farther north than I was anticipating. Obviously the area is huge, but I never imagined I'd be able to spend over three hours just walking around. I ended up going to Hampstead Heath, the park that spans over 300 acres and has some of the highest points in the city.

It's a quaint area, filled with greenery and man-made bathing lakes that are occupied by various birds at any given moment. Patches of forest are as equally scattered as are sprawling fields of grass. You'll find dog-walkers and runners and couples and the occasional photographer toting bags of equipment for those picturesque views. I walked blindly, not really sure of where exactly I wanted to go. Similar to Primrose Hill, there's a peak in the park that offers a breathtaking view of the neighboring towns as well as the London skyline. But this one was so much more.

I spent two hours in Hampstead Heath. Taking photos, finding little nooks and crannies that may have yet to be documented on a map. My boots were thoroughly muddied by the end of it, but when I sat down on the Northern line train to go home, they were the least of my worries.

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